The quarries of Carrara were first discovered approximately 2,000 years ago, in the reign of Augustus. Here on Monte Altissimo in Italy is where Michelangelo got the marble for his sculptures. Today, those seeking to emulate Michelangelo come here from all over Europe.
Carrara, the Italian city renowned for producing some of the world’s finest marbles, has been home to masterpieces by Renaissance artists like Michelangelo and Antonio Canova.
In the heart of Carrara’s quarry district, a startup is ushering in a new era of sculpture where robots take on the role of chisels. Established by Filippo Tincolini and Giacomo Massari, Robotor aims to transform the industry by streamlining sculpting through robotics and artificial intelligence. The goal is to make sculpture creation quicker, simpler, more sustainable while allowing artists to conceive previously unimaginable works.Incorporating research and blending art with local tradition and technology, the startup has created a robotic chisel powered by self-programming software. Tincolini founded Torart in 2004 as a company focused on combining sculpture, contemporary art, design with emerging technologies. Two years later they developed their first robot; Massari joined them in 2010. After collaborating with famous artists like Barry X Ball and replicating Palmyra’s Arch after its destruction by ISIS in 2015—Robotor was established in 2019.
The arrival of Robotor marks a new era and method of sculpting
Experience unparalleled 3D designs. Introducing Robotor, a trio of multi-axis industrial robot products specialized in milling. Designed specifically for the stone industry, each robot is custom-built to ensure smooth integration and a hassle-free user experience while meeting all production needs with ease. Robotor stands out in the realm of stone materials with its advanced machines that effortlessly bring 3D designs to life. The best part? It’s incredibly simple to use. With just a few manual adjustments, the autonomous system takes control and produces stunning results that will leave you amazed.
American Fine Arts collaborates with artists to help them realize Zbrush designs into marquette’s and from there into sculptural works. From monumental to any size.